Python procedural land generation algorithm (show off)

 Python procedural land generation algorithm

Hey guys! I'm back from my not so mini-break and ready to start writing. And boy oh boy do I have something fun for you guys today! I'll be showing off my Python procedural land generation algorithm I made with glowscript. This script generates a 2D world In a 3D environment. Cool right? So enough suspense let's get into it!

What I made?

Today I'll be showing off my python procedural land generation algorithm. The script works by randomly selecting a tile (up, down, flat) and then adding a rendering it to a list. In glow script, this is very simple and easy to do! and if you are interested ill leave a link to the code below! The script also needs to calculate where the next tile should go! I used some basic math and logic to calculate that.

Show off!

And now what you've all been waiting for. The show-off!
It was a bit hard getting a good look in the video for this one, but if you want a more interactive map of the terrain check out this link!


And now for the video!

Pretty cool huh? hope you enjoyed it! and make sure to let me know what you think!

Final thoughts

Sorry for the long indent in between my blogs. I just was occupied with other things! And speaking of other things...that brings us to our sponsor! My new freelancing service! You can find a link to it just below! And per routine, if you have any thoughts or questions id be happy to answer them. And with that keep on creating and exploring and ill be heading off for now!

Git and socials

thank you.


  1. Hope you guys enjoyed! if you did make sure to drop a follow or a comment

    1. Nice one! Next time try to do less randomness! Maybe a perking noise?


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